One of the greatest challenges faced on any construction site is the management of personnel, especially on large projects which may take place over many months and whereby hundreds of people with different roles and skills are coming in and out.
One of the newest and best forms of construction site security available to help manage the flow of people entering your site is the introduction of access control systems. These have several key benefits, which we outline in this easy-to-read blog.
Controlling access
Construction sites are prime targets for opportunistic thieves, arsonists and vandals, as well as an attractive area for inquisitive children to want to explore, putting themselves at risk. To prevent accidents from happening and to ensure maximum security for your site, it is well worth investing in biometric access control systems which use the latest state-of-the-art technology to identify who can enter the site, using their fingerprint.
This ensures only people who are granted site access have the ability to enter and means that time-consuming visual authorisations, such as manual card checking and paper-based systems, can be a thing of the past.
Site Management
New biometric access control systems allow for site managers to monitor who is on a construction site at any given time, as well as other pieces of smart data such as what time they arrived and how long they were on site for, making managing staff as simple as ever.
Besides workers, the systems also allows for reporting on visitors who are coming and going, including deliveries. Full reporting is available and can provide timesheet analysis and management reports.
Health and Safety
All constructions sites are required to comply with industry-wide health and safety standards to demonstrate that both workers and the general public are being kept safe from harm. Investing in site access control systems allows for easier reporting on health and safety performance standards, as well as carrying out CSCS audits.
Construction site workers should all hold CSCS accreditations, and with CSCS SmartCards for your site, you are creating a straightforward way to verify that people working on your site hold the correct training and qualifications legally required to carry out their job before they can enter the premises. Moreover, if a fake or expired card is detected, the person attempting to enter can be automatically locked out, adding that extra level of security.
Access Control helps site managers plan upcoming deliveries and make informed decisions as to how to allocate resources. When deliveries take place, the system can allow for easy sign-offs, by only granting access to the right people.
Incident Reporting
Biometric access control systems also provide a hassle-free way of reporting on-site incidents so that you can keep track of your employees’ behaviour while creating a penalty system which has the power to automatically invoke restrictions on workers where necessary.
Environmental Impact
Our environmental impact is now more important than ever, and it is simply everyone’s responsibility to try to decrease the negative effect that our activities are having on the world. As such, one benefit of access control that you may not have thought of is that tracking the number of vehicles and machinery which enter your site will allow you to better report on your carbon footprint, therefore helping you make decisions on how to improve it in the future.
Multiple sites
If you are managing several sites, the system allows you to manage them all online from one central system, providing real-time monitoring of all worker activity on all sites across your network. Never before has it been so simple to effectively manage your workforce and ensure that your sites are as safe and secure as possible!